AC and DC Digital & Analog Servo Amplifiers (PCB, Panel, and Vehicle Mount)

AC and DC Digital & Analog Servo Amplifiers (PCB, Panel, and Vehicle Mount)

Electromechanical & Pneumatic Actuation Solutions

Electromechanical & Pneumatic Actuation Solutions

A US-Based, Industry Leading Manufacturer of Incremental and Absolute Rotary Encoders

A US-Based, Industry Leading Manufacturer of Incremental and Absolute Rotary Encoders

Precision Motion-Linear/Rotary Brakes, Clutches, Roller Pinion Rack & Pinion

Precision Motion-Linear/Rotary Brakes, Clutches, Roller Pinion Rack & Pinion

Encoders, Inclinometers & Linear Position Sensors

Encoders, Inclinometers & Linear Position Sensors

Servo-class Helical Bevel & Planetary Gearboxes

Servo-class Helical Bevel & Planetary Gearboxes

Machine Control Slice I/O systems, Terminal Blocks & Industrial Power Supplies

Machine Logic, Cloud Connectivity, & IIoT Powered by Linux & Codesys 3.5; Slice I/O systems, Electrical Interconnections & Industrial Power Supplies

Servo-class Couplings and Power Transmission Products

Servo-class Couplings and Power Transmission Products


Machine Safeguarding Solutions

Precision Planetary Gearboxes

Precision Planetary Gearboxes

Industrial Computers, Networking Equipment & IoT Solutions

Industrial Computers, Networking Equipment & IoT Solutions

AC and DC Stepper Drives, Stepper Motors, STEPServo Integrated Motor Technology

AC and DC Stepper Drives, Stepper Motors, STEPServo Integrated Motor Technology


Rotary & Linear Actuators, AC/DC Brushless Speed Control, Stepper Motors & Drives

Linear Ball , Cross Roller & Round Ball Bushings and Linear Actuators

Linear Ball , Cross Roller & Round Ball Bushings and Linear Actuators

Precision Servo Couplings, Lineshafts, & Limiters; Bellows and Insert Designs

Precision Servo Couplings, Lineshafts, & Limiters; Bellows and Insert Designs


Rugged Absolute Rotary Encoder Kits For High Precision in All Environments; Non-Optical, Non-Magnetic Technology

Motion Division; Rotary and Linear Servo Motors, Amplifiers, & IEC-61131 Controllers. Industrial Collaborative Robot Solutions

Motion Division; Rotary and Linear Servo Motors, Amplifiers, & IEC-61131 Controllers. Industrial Collaborative Robot Solutions

Sub-Micron Precision Linear, Rotary, & Multi-Axis Stages; Standard & Custom, Quick Design & Build, Controller-Ready

Sub-Micron Precision Linear, Rotary, & Multi-Axis Stages; Standard & Custom, Quick Design & Build, Controller-Ready


High Precision Gearboxes & Rotary Index Tables; Planetary, Strain Wave, Cycloidal, Hypoid, Worm, Bevel, Traction

Off-The-Shelf and Custom-Made Electrical Connectors, Adapters, Cordsets, and Networking Solutions

Off-The-Shelf and Custom-Made Electrical Connectors, Adapters, Cordsets, and Networking Solutions

The World Leader in Rack & Pinion Systems

The World Leader in Rack & Pinion Systems

V-Wheel Linear Bearing Components & Actuator Systems

V-Wheel Linear Bearing Components & Actuator Systems


World Leader in Servo Motors and Servo Controls & Amplifiers

Mechatronics and Linear Motion Technology; Actuators, Ball Screws, Profile Ball & Roller Guides

Mechatronics and Linear Motion Technology; Actuators, Ball Screws, Profile Ball & Roller Guides

High Precision Cycloidal Gear Boxes, Rotary Positioners & AGV Mecanum Wheels

High Precision Cycloidal Gear Boxes, Rotary Positioners & AGV Mecanum Wheels

Integrated Direct-Drive Linear Motor and Linear/Rotary Actuator Solutions

Integrated Direct-Drive Linear Motor and Linear/Rotary Actuator Solutions

Purpose-Built Frameless & Housed Motor Solutions

Purpose-Built Frameless & Housed Motor Solutions

Industrial, Collaborative, & Industrial-Collaborative Robot Systems 0.5kg to 900kg Payload; 5-meter+ Reach; 6 and 7-Axis, Dual-Arm, SCARA, & Delta

Industrial, Collaborative, & Industrial-Collaborative Robot Systems 0.5kg to 900kg Payload; 5-meter+ Reach; 6 and 7-Axis, Dual-Arm, SCARA, & Delta


Diverse range of high-quality sensor solutions and smart vision systems that enable precise and reliable detection, measurement, and inspection in industrial automation applications.


Smart Linear Motion & Actuation, 7th Axis Solutions, Roller & Ball Screws


High-Thrust, High-Speed, Roller Screw Actuators with Universal Motor/Gearbox Mounts or Integrated Controls

High-precision, Zero-backlash Cycloidal Gear Reducers

High-precision, Zero-backlash Cycloidal Gear Reducers



U.S. Manufactured AC & DC Drive Control Electronics

U.S. Manufactured AC & DC Drive Control Electronics

Bearings & Actuators For Precision Linear & Rotary Motion

Bearings & Actuators For Precision Linear & Rotary Motion

Linear Bearings, Crossed Roller Ring Bearings, Belt & Ball Screw Actuators

Linear Bearings, Crossed Roller Ring Bearings, Belt & Ball Screw Actuators

Belt and Ball Screw Actuators and Gantry Systems

Belt and Ball Screw Actuators and Gantry Systems


Machine Safeguarding Devices